OdorX Thermo-55 Taback-Attack
Fogger  RTU

Product #: 302065

Weight: 40


Tabac-Attack instantly counteracts tobacco-related smoke odors on most surfaces.


Tabac-Attack from OdorX is designed to permanently remove tobacco-related smoke odors. Tabac-Attack deodorizes materials and surfaces by reversing the ways by which materials become malodorous.


Tobacco odors are caused by the accumulation of odorous tobacco-related residues on surfaces. Residues from burning tobacco products form odorous coatings on materials that slowly releases odors. These residues build up and accumulate over time. Heavy smoking over a long period of time results in stubborn and severe tobacco-related smoke odor.

  • Permanently removes tobacco-related odors
  • Ready-to-use, solvent-based formula
  • VOC compliant
  • Treats 128,000 cubic feet
  • Not for use in Electro-Gen 2000